The link between rape and porn
Pornography / Rape

The link between rape and porn

A lot of researchers will tell you that a link can’t be made between rape and pornography, or that they’re not sure yet if one exists. Meet someone who does know with certainty. “I saw her leave [Meijer] and, being unable to control my thoughts and emotions, I was in a fantasy,” he said. “I … Continue reading

Breathing Easier
Biography / Legal System / Politics / Rape

Breathing Easier

the Michigan legislature managed to do one thing that I found comforting and validating. They did one thing, probably in spite of themselves, that reassured me that what I endured in my past was, in fact, a crime. And for that, I’m thankful. What was this thing they did? They simply declared that strangling or smothering a person is a crime worth 10 years in prison. Continue reading

Medical Exams After Sexual Assault: What you need, and what you need to know
Rape / Recovery / Volunteering

Medical Exams After Sexual Assault: What you need, and what you need to know

Though I have been sexually assaulted three times, I have never reported the attack or sought medical treatment. The first time, I was too young to know what had happened. The second, there was no penetration and I just wanted to forget about it. And the third, I thought I had to go to the police first, and I didn’t want to go to the police because I felt sure I would be blamed for what had happened.
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So, begin.
Biography / CSA / Uncle

So, begin.

I remember the afternoon I went to take a nap on her bed. My aunt and uncle’s bed….But I only remember parts. I do remember the curtains, a yellow brown, and the color of sunlight that filtered through them. I remember the “Scientific American” magazine on the nightstand and how I struggled to understand it. I remember stretching out on the big bed with the pillows and stretching out to sleep. And then. And then… Continue reading

In Shadow
Biography / Coping / Rape / Survival

In Shadow

I’m haunted by something that happened years ago. In fact, several things that happened many years ago. I am the survivor of a violent rape and a less violent, but still upsetting, sexual assault. And years ago, when I was no more than 10, something happened that has left me with fuzzy memories and remembrances of things that just aren’t right. Continue reading