How a Woman Who Is Raped Behaves
Coping / Myths / Recovery / Survival

How a Woman Who Is Raped Behaves

When you meet a woman who has been raped, don’t judge her if she doesn’t react in the way you had expected. She has survived an ordeal most people will thankfully never know. It took a lot for her to get as far as she has. If she hasn’t done it the way you expected her to, it doesn’t matter. She’s a survivor all the same. Continue reading

Why the Shadow?
archetypes / Coping / Jung / Psychology / Rape

Why the Shadow?

The name of this blog is The Shadow Aspect. And that’s a symbol, literally and figuratively. Specifically, the “shadow aspect” is the name early psychologist Carl Jung gave to a part of the psyche that is hidden. Sequestered. Often even unknown to the person. And like anything else kept in the dark, it’s there for a reason. Continue reading

In Shadow
Biography / Coping / Rape / Survival

In Shadow

I’m haunted by something that happened years ago. In fact, several things that happened many years ago. I am the survivor of a violent rape and a less violent, but still upsetting, sexual assault. And years ago, when I was no more than 10, something happened that has left me with fuzzy memories and remembrances of things that just aren’t right. Continue reading