Conversations with Rape Tourists: Fudd
Rape / Rape Culture / Rape Tourists

Conversations with Rape Tourists: Fudd

Temira: How would you feel if the woman who got raped was someone close to you – would it still be a turn-on?
Fudd: Tery much so. Surprised?
Temira: Even as you watched her cry, or feel like hurting herself, or fall into depression?
Fudd: Yes, because I would encourage her to turn that depression and affliction into a sexual addiction Continue reading

How a Woman Who Is Raped Behaves
Coping / Myths / Recovery / Survival

How a Woman Who Is Raped Behaves

When you meet a woman who has been raped, don’t judge her if she doesn’t react in the way you had expected. She has survived an ordeal most people will thankfully never know. It took a lot for her to get as far as she has. If she hasn’t done it the way you expected her to, it doesn’t matter. She’s a survivor all the same. Continue reading